The real difference between affordable and expensive microphones in VO
Karol Walkowski
12/1/20242 min read
Finding the right microphone for voice-overs
When you dive into the world of voice over recordings, specifically recording from home, buying the right microphone is usually what comes to mind first. But can it make or break your potential career in voice-overs and should one spend so much attention (and subsequently) cash to go for "the best that money can buy"?
It's 2024... You can find everything from budget-friendly options such as Rode NT1a to high-end models such as Neumann TLM series, U87, Brauner or Royer Labs. You can go for USB microphone, lamp microphone or ribbon, but just how different are these microphones, and do you really need to splurge for premium options? Absolutely not!
Budget-friendly choices: are they worth it?
Affordable Rode microphones mentioned above are praised for their good sound quality and durability. They are also incredibly quiet due to the large size of cardioid capsules. There is a few successful voice artists, with decades of experience, who are still using NT1a. Why not? In a recording space with good acoustics and with professional delivery by voice actor, they sound absolutely brilliant. I think you know where I am heading here.
Work, skills and talent first. Then think about your gear
I really don't want to sound patronizing - as a pretty average voice talent myself I am not in a position to preach. Don't get me wrong, I am a busy voice artist, but I doubt I will soon be buying Lamborghini (or a semi-detached property in London for that matter), but I can guarantee you that spending 2000 pounds, euros or dollars on a microphone, when you just think about the career in voice-over industry, is just silly.
Now, let's talk Neumann and ask AI for a little help. These "high-end microphones are known for their exceptional audio fidelity, providing a finely tuned response to a wider range of frequencies" blah, blah, blah... I have met people who bought Neumann U87, a microphone that surely is ubiquitous in most big VO studios in US, UK and Europe, but they forgot that their recording space is so bad, that they sound horrible. By the way, Neumann U87 needs a bigger booth or recording space plus it's a gain hungry microphone and requires decent preamplifier to shine.
Conclusion: cheap vs. expensive microphones
To wrap things up, there's a distinct difference between cheap and expensive microphones when recording voice overs however... There are more important things to consider when starting your career. It's a tricky industry where AI and voice generators are slowly taking over, freelancers are underpaid and things are don on the cheap.
Start slow and get affordable microphone, test the waters and trust me - there is a large second hand market of expensive microphones you can always purchase when it will make financial sense.
Happy recording!!!
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